Friday, February 24, 2012

Spam and Cheese

So, it's a little more challenging to publish weekly updates than I had figured, and great job to the guys that do it, especially to the youtube channels that manage to shoot and edit multiple videos every week. So from here on out, I'll commit to a bi-weekly post.

I have a couple exciting things in the works, including some experiments that I'm sure all miniature gamers will appreciate. So check back in two weeks for some cool stuff.

Today, however, I want to share my 1500pt Necron army that I'll be fielding in the Neverland Games monthly tournament this Sunday. Missions will be determined at random before each round, and we are allowed to bring two 1500pt lists, where 1000pts of each list has to be the same. I believe the only thing I'll be swapping out is Trazyn the Infinite instead of the generic Overlord.

1500 Pts - Necrons Roster

1500 Pts - Necrons Roster

Total Roster Cost: 1500

HQ: Imotekh the Stormlord (1#, 225 pts)

   1 Imotekh the Stormlord, 225 pts

HQ: Overlord (1#, 215 pts)

   1 Overlord, 215 pts = (base cost 90 + Mindshackle Scarabs 15 + Sempiternal Weave 15 + Resurrection Orb 30 + Phase Shifter 45 + Upgrade to Phaeron 20)

: Royal Court (3#, 125 pts)

   1 Royal Court, 0 pts

      1 Harbinger of Despair, 60 pts = (base cost 25 + Harbinger of Despair 5 + Veil of Darkness 30)

      1 Lord, 65 pts = (base cost 35 + Resurrection Orb 30)

: Royal Court (3#, 125 pts)

   1 Royal Court, 0 pts

      1 Harbinger of Despair, 60 pts = (base cost 25 + Harbinger of Despair 5 + Veil of Darkness 30)

      1 Lord, 65 pts = (base cost 35 + Resurrection Orb 30)

Elite: Deathmarks (5#, 95 pts)

   5 Deathmarks, 95 pts = 5 * 19

Elite: Deathmarks (5#, 95 pts)

   5 Deathmarks, 95 pts = 5 * 19

Troops: Immortals (5#, 85 pts)

   5 Immortals, 85 pts = 5 * 17

Troops: Immortals (5#, 85 pts)

   5 Immortals, 85 pts = 5 * 17

Fast Attack: Canoptek Scarabs (5#, 75 pts)

   5 Canoptek Scarabs, 75 pts = 5 * 15

Fast Attack: Canoptek Scarabs (5#, 75 pts)

   5 Canoptek Scarabs, 75 pts = 5 * 15

Heavy Support: Canoptek Spyder (3#, 150 pts)

   3 Canoptek Spyder, 150 pts = 3 * 50

Heavy Support: Canoptek Spyder (3#, 150 pts)

   3 Canoptek Spyder, 150 pts = 3 * 50

Validation Report:

c-1. File Version: 1.42 For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission

Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:

HQ: 2 (1 - 2)

Elite: 2 (0 - 3)

Troops: 2 (2 - 6)

Fast: 2 (0 - 3)

Heavy: 2 (0 - 3)

Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at
What's in this can is still scarier than an army of zombie robots....

The Spam
Two units of 3x Canoptek Spyders and two units of 5x Canoptek Scarabs allows for some major spamming. That's increasing my Scarab units by 60% on the first turn. Even though the Scarabs can't conga line across the board since the FAQ, the are still beasts, with a potential 24" assault range. With 4 base attacks and entropic strike, these guys should eat any vehicle on the field, and hold up to any other unit below S6. All the while, adding more scarabs to the unit. Imotekh's night fighting combined with Stealth makes the Scarabs extra hard to shoot at too, so I shouldn't have to worry about losing too many before they get where they need to be.

I've encountered a few problems in playtesting. First is making sure that the Spyders keep pace with the Scarabs, with a 12" assault move, it's easy to leave the spyders in the dust; and considering I just took a unit of bare-bones Spyders, I'm not getting the most use out of that 300pts when they're sitting in the back trying to play catch-up. Additionally, save for vehicles (which the scarabs can eat alive), the two Scarab units should have different targets. Getting all your scarabs tied up in a single combat for 3 turns is a horrible waste.

The Cheese
If you didn't already see what I was doing, each Deathmark unit is getting joined by a Harbinger of Despair with a Veil of Darkness as well as a Necron Lord with a Ressurection Orb. Additionally, my Independent Characters are joining each of these units as well to confer Relentless on the units. The Veils of Darkness allow my Deathmarks to move around the board via Deep Strike, and thus enter from reserve via Deep Strike even though not all the models in the unit are allowed to, as you can use the Veil of Darkness to move in from reserve (FAQ). But the real point of all this, is the Abyssal Staves. For those unfamiliar, an Abyssal Staff is a S8 AP1 Flamer, but it's power is significantly leveled by the fact that it rolls against the opponents Leadership in place of their Toughness. However, Royal Court members joining a Deathmark unit benefit from the Hunters from Hyperspace rule (FAQ). This means so long as you're using it against a marked unit, you're hitting with an AP1 Template on a 2+, ouch... Of course the Resurrection Orbs are there to make the unit more durable.

The rest of my list is just my two minimum required troops in the form of Immortals to claim objectives. And as I stated before, if playing a mission such as Seize Ground, I'll be swapping my generic Overlord for Trazyn to give myself an extra scoring unit.

Remember, check back in two weeks for the results of one of my experiments! Comments, Questions, and Requests are always welcome!

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