Wednesday, March 23, 2011


If you've ever played Ascension, you know how awesome it is to build a deck with a lot of power; and how disappointing it is to have to hit the Cultist 10 times with all that power. When Night Falls, things change and your opponents become the targets of your attack.

AEG's new game Nightfall is now available in stores like Neverland Games.

Unlike most deck-building games, Nightfall allows you to attack your opponents; but unlike many popular Trading Card Games, players don't start with a life total. Instead, wounds are tracked by wound cards which are shuffled into your deck along with all of the cards that you bought.

The player with the fewest wound cards at game's end is the winner, but beware, the more wounds a player gets, the more ferocious they will become.

Every game is different as the cards that are used are drafted at the beginning of the game, so strategies are sometimes hard to develop since players have to work with what's available.

Gameplay works with a 'chain' which allows players to play as many cards as they wish during their turn or their opponents turn, so long as those cards can be 'chained' together. The chain also grants bonuses to certain cards, called kickers, if they're chained off of the right kind of card.

Overall, Nightfall is an excellent deck building game that fills gaps left by others and has great re-playability. And up until April 10th, head over to AEG's The First 100 Days and enter to win a free copy of Nightfall.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Malifaux Rules Manual

Have you ever played that game .. you know .. the one where there were great rules, but a bunch of those rules got changed? Sure they were good changes, but it left you flipping back and forth trying to find the most recent rule. Or just the most relevant rule.

After several long months of flipping through the rule books, errata, FAQ, and online rulings, the answer has finally come in the form of Wyrd Miniature's new Malifaux Rules Manual.

Announced in December, the Rules Manual is Wyrd's answer to a quickly expanding rules set that often calls for rulings to settle in game disputes due to a large variety of interacting abilities. In addition, the Rules Manual is packed full of new artwork, including some never before seen puppets!

Several tools have been added to help players navigate the Rules Manual to find exactly the ruling they are looking for, including colored section tabs and an extensive index (something everyone wished for in the first rule book).

In order to help players understand interactions between models and terrain, including 3-Dimensional terrain such as overhangs or rooftops, diagrams have been included throughout.

The quick reference section is a great tool for use throughout the game and for quick and easy encounter set up. Speaking of encounters, strategies have been rewritten to provide 2 or 4 points and schemes to provide 1 or 2, with an official cap on the number of VPs any player can earn in an encounter (8 in a scrap, 10 in a brawl). So no more Jack Daw + Steal Relic to smash your opponent in a 10-0 win.

At a low price of $15 and including all the rules needed to play Malifaux, this Manual is a great deal, now anyone wishing to get into the game can do so for less than $50. And current players now have a great resource for playing their games, and a compact book to keep track of their VP requirements.

This book is a perfect candidate for rebinding. I had mine rebound in plastic spirals at Staples for a fair price, and now I can lay my manual flat on the table for set-up and for being able to check my VP requirements.

Wyrd continues to do good by their players, and at the end of this month will be releasing a PDF version of the rules manual, without the artwork or list of strategies and schemes. So players are not at all required to purchase the rules manual to keep up with the rules, but who wouldn't want one of these?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Through the Breach

Greetings to everyone who might catch a glimpse of this blog. With encouragement from several of my players, I have started this blog to cover the various Malifaux events that I run as a Wyrd Henchman through Neverland Games in Waynesboro, PA.

In addition to covering Malifaux, I will also be reviewing other miniatures, board games and card games.

For today, I have nothing but an announcement for the next month's worth of Malifaux events, found here. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have for me regarding Malifaux or anything else!